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new view.

  • 1:


    ugly monkey

    2023-08-13 12:56:33
  • 41:


    A total of 30 countries recognize it as stupid and pitiful, and Japan's fake teaching materials and 50 million papers are a huge bluff.
    Japan has no future
    It has long been proven that the death toll is sure to rise and that they are weak losers in battle. Of course, there is no doubt that it is worse than monkeys.

    2023-08-13 20:30:12
  • 42:


    The Japanese say they will kill Mexicans and their families because they are so ugly
    Don't forget that the Japanese are a very smelly, short-nosed and ugly race

    ⬆People from this group company are talking about Mexico

    2023-08-15 02:06:45
  • 43:


    The Japanese say that Mexicans are lower than Japanese people, which is a very funny composition.
    Mexicans are the bottom
    Let's put the office workers and their families who are calling repeatedly, their related people and people in the downtown area.

    2023-08-15 02:06:54
  • 44:


    And not only that.
    It is said that even if all the Mexican citizens who are different from the cartel organization are killed and killed, they will not find out at all.
    Here are some of the above that boast of harming even good Mexican citizens:
    The company, the group and their families.
    They are 100% Japanese blood.

    2023-08-15 02:07:08
  • 45:


    No Mexican will help the Japanese.
    Because they are vicious and Mexicans also think that Japanese should die, so they will not lose.

    2023-08-15 02:07:14
  • 46:


    Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.

    Japanese National Atom Group, Hitachi Zosen Officers, Employees and Their Families

    Morinaga & Co., Ltd.

    2023-08-15 02:09:16
  • 47:


    The Japanese say they will kill Mexicans and their families because they are so ugly
    Don't forget that the Japanese are a very smelly, short-nosed and ugly race

    ⬆People from this group company are talking about Mexico

    2023-08-15 02:10:26
  • 48:



    Tokyo Electric Power Company

    Nomura Real Estate's massive tax evasion and unclean behavior

    2023-08-15 02:10:45
  • 49:


    The Japanese say that Mexicans are lower than Japanese people, which is a very funny composition.
    Mexicans are the bottom
    Let's put the office workers and their families who are calling repeatedly, their related people and people in the downtown area.

    2023-08-16 12:32:41
  • 50:


    No one cares if most of the Japanese die✧

    2023-08-16 12:33:23
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